Welcome to our journey. The purpose of my blog is not only to journal our life experience, but also to share what God is doing in our lives. I do not claim to be an expert in parenting, marriage, or even the Bible. But I do have a heart to share my experiences and the true love that God has for each and every one of us. You can read our testimony by clicking on the top of the page. And if you'd like to know about the Homeless Ministry my husband started, you can click on the Homeless tab. I hope you will comment freely on my posts and in my community.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mackenzie's 12 Birthday

Happy Birthday Sweet Mackenzie! I can't believe you're 12 years old!
It was a busy birthday weekend for Mackenzie.
We went to our family reunion in Albert Lea on Saturday, 8/22, which I'll post about later.
On Sunday, we started out her birthday at a party at Susan and Larry's house.
The kids went swimming and had lots of good eats.
Then we went to Amanda's house warming party.
The kids had fun with the camera but it seems as though most pictures are blurry or the eyes are closed of the subject. So, although I won't be posting very many pictures, I will say that it was fun to celebrate with Amanda, Josh, Grandma & Grandpa P, Shelby, Amanda & Josh's friends, and of course Daddy, Mitchell & Hailey too!


At Amanda's house

Of course, we had to have a party with some of her friends.
An Oreo Ice Cream cake..yum!

Cousin Shelby...been buds since they were babies.

Nicole and Kenzie

with her friend Jenna

They were planning on sleeping out in the tent.

After they spent some time in the hot tub.
(or should I say "warm" tub)

But of course they ended up taking over our living room floor,
because it was too cold outside!

Happy Birthday to our beautiful young lady!
You have such a kind heart and are so forgiving.
We just love that about you.
I'm quite sure that you will have a ton of kids!
You are such a baby lover and have no problem changing the dirtiest of diapers. :)
We are so proud of you Mackenzie!
We pray that you would be a mighty princess warrior.
A leader of leaders!
We pray for God's strength and protection for you!
Mom and Dad

1 comment:

  1. What fun birthday celebrations!!! Happy Birthday Mackenzie!


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