It was four years ago when I went to my first Hearts-at-Home Conference. I was lonely and burned out. Although I had many friends and a wonderful family, I had isolated myself. I was continually pouring myself into my kids and my husband. Feeling like I was doing the "right" thing, I had forgotten about ME. In what I thought was my "great" act of selflessness, I was doing more harm than good. I hadn't learned what it meant to operate in the "overflow".
My MOPS leader, who had also become a friend, invited me to go. At first, I didn't want to ask my husband if I could go. I made a million excuses about why I couldn't go. But God was not going to let me out of this. Of course, once I asked my husband he said "yes". It was never about him not letting me go. It was just me, not thinking about me and that I might really need that weekend. The closer the weekend got, the more excited I was. Then on Friday, I started getting sick. I had a sore throat and a head ache. I didn't think I was going to go. When my husband got home and saw and I hadn't left yet, he was really disappointed. So much that I began to wonder why. :) Ha, ha. Just kidding honey. He encourgaed me to go, that this was just an attack. So, I headed down to Rochester. The funny thing was that as soon as I got to my hotel room, I felt just fine!
The weekend was awesome and I learned how important it is as a mother and wife to take time for myself to get refueled. There was amazing, touching music and inspirational, funny speakers. Ken Davis was there one night and I honestly don't remember laughing so hard! Everyone was saying "you better go to the bathroom before seeing Ken Davis", and they weren't kidding. He was that funny! This was a place where I learned that I am not alone. In fact, the way I was feeling was shared by many. I know that my husband was glad I went. I came back refreshed and ready to go. And there was some advice given out at the conference - well more like an assignment - for us wives. Since this is a "G" rated blog, I won't share. Let's just say that my husband wanted to sign me up for the next year! :)
The following year, I went again. It was just as fabulous as the time before. Although there are different seasons in our lives and I was not able to go last year, it is definately something I recommend for every mom.
Here are the upcoming Hearts-at-Home Conference dates:
October 3-4, 2008 Grand Rapids, Michigan
November 7-8, 2008 Rochester, Minnesota
March 13-14, 2009 Bloomington, Illinois
If you don’t live close enough to drive to a conference, and hopping on a plane isn’t an option, you can also order a Home Conference Packet which gives you the conference via CD.
Check out the Hearts at Home website today to find out all that Hearts at Home has to offer you!
So, the question of the day is this: What do you do to keep your mommy batteries charged?
Share with us in the comments section below. Remember that I'll be giving away a book next Thursday. Each day I will have a new question and that means another chance to enter the drawing.
Forward this to any moms you know that could benefit from any of the books or this conference.
Discipline your children; you'll be glad you did— they'll turn out delightful to live with. Proverbs 29:17 The Message
Trying to raise delightful children!
I have really learned that if I go to bed earlier, I get up earlier easier and with more energy for the day. I have also learned to do things in small amounts of time, for example only cleaning for 15 minutes and whatever gets cleaned in that amount of time gets done. That way I am focused on the task for a short time and then can head to the next task without burning out.
ReplyDeleteAmye Decker
I keep my mommy batteries charged by making sure I have my "morning time" before the family is up. (I journal and spend time running through things with God.) I also make regular time with other ladies so I can just hang out and be me.
ReplyDeleteI know that I have to watch my "outside volunteer jobs"!!! When I am out of balance, the whole family gets out of balance. Hmmm...writing from a perspective of being a little out of balance right now:-) Fortunately, I have a wonderful hubby who helps me and gently lets me know when I need to "keep my heart at home"! Our family just runs better when mom is home...mentally and physically!
ReplyDeleteI try to take time for myself. I try to take a nice relaxing bath when I can, read a book, or just sit and watch a show I enjoy by myself. If I don't do a little something for myself each week than I don't have enough energy to give my kids and my husband.
ReplyDeleteI try to have some time for myself each week. I take a nice bath, read a book, or watch a tv show I enjoy. If I don't get time for myself to re-energize than I don't have much to give to my husband or my kids.