Day 2 of the contest! Thanks for your wise words ladies, on how you charge your mommy batteries. You can still go down to yesterday's post and comment on the question of the day and it will count as an entry for the contest. Get your comments in for a chance to win the book of your choice from this resource page. (Except Simply Romantic Nights) Click here to view Sunday's post if you don't know what I'm talking about. To leave a comment, scroll down to the end of the post for that specific day, and in the bottom right corner, click on "comments".
Today I want to talk to about some interview questions by Jill Savage. First I will post the questions and the answers and then I will talk about my feelings since I do work part-time outside the home.
Q #1 What is the meaning of the name “Hearts at Home?”
There are so many good things that a mom can do---not just in the workplace, but also in the volunteer arenas. Before we know it, our heart is tugged in so many different directions. We encourage women to keep their heart at home---making their family their first priority---because we only have one chance to raise our kids.
Q #2 Briefly describe your ministry and its purpose.
Hearts at Home is a Christ-centered organization designed to encourage, educate, and equip women in the profession of motherhood. We offer encouragement through our conference events, website (www.hearts-at-home.org), published resources, bi-monthly magazine, and our newly launched radio program. Our National conference alone, held in Central Illinois every spring, hosts over 5,000 moms each year. The women who attend represent over 30 different states.
Q #3 Why must mothers make sure that their hearts are at home?
Most of us don’t realize just how fast our kids grow up. In the blink of an eye your kid moves from a Happy Meal to Value Meal #9! When you keep your heart at home, you make the most of this unique season of motherhood.
Q #4 Does this mean you discourage mothers from working outside the home? How do you respond to those who do?
Hearts at Home makes no judgment call on those who work outside the home. We do, however, know that women who consider motherhood their profession need a cheerleader and that’s what we’re able to be for them. They also need quality resources that help them be the best wife and mother they can be. Honestly, though, most of the resources available through Hearts at Home would encourage any mom and we have a lot of working moms that attend our conference events and tap into our resources.
First of all, I want to say that I've been to two Hearts at Home conferences and I have never felt judged for being a working mom. I think it's awesome that they support stay at home moms. Since I have been one, I know that it is by far the toughest job I've ever had! I have always left feeling encouraged and blessed.
I thought I would reflect on my decision to work part-time. It really was a tough decision to make. I was stuggling with staying home. I loved being with my children, but I longed to be with other adults as well. Most of the moms in my neighborhood were working moms and so I didn't have anyone to hang out with during the day. Honestly, I rarely ever left the house. I was so lonely. Because I never had much adult interaction, I was becoming resentful towards my husband who was always going out to lunch with friends, co-workers, etc. Because I didn't feel like I was "earning" money, I felt guilty about spending any money. This obviously was not healthy!
I began praying and asking God what He wanted me to do. While at church I saw an ad in the bulletin about a part-time job. I put in my application and I gave the decision to the Lord. I went to two interviews and after leaving both of them I had such a peace about it. I really didn't know if I would get the job or not, but I knew that it would be God's decision. I was really looking for something that would stimulate my mind, give me a chance to work with adults, help other people, allow me the freedom to set my own schedule, still allow me to be home for my kids when they get home from school, and allow my youngest to have social time with other kids. Oh and working for a church...let's just say...it's really not about the money. :) Well, when I got the job I was so excited. It was really God's blessing. For me, it was Him telling me that it was ok to work outside the home. That was my struggle. I had such guilt when I first started thinking about getting a part-time job. But when I gave that to God, He really did take it away.
I mention in my profile that I have the best job ever. I have a wonderful boss and team who are so supportive. As long as I get my work done, I can work from home whenever I need to. The best part has been that Hailey was able to go to pre-school at church where I work and I could walk down the hall and see her whenever I wanted! Ok, not so good as far as distractions go, but sometimes just being able to "secretly" watch her was a lot of fun. Now that she's a big kindergartner, I don't get to do that. :(
Anyways...I have come to accept that God wired me this way. I have a pretty well balanced life. Working part-time I think has been a blessing not only to me, but to my family. It has made me a better mom. I still have a long way to go to becoming the "Mom of the Year". Although if any of my children are reading this and would like to nominate me...I'll gladly accept! ha, ha. In all seriousness, I still need God's help to make me a better mom. It's not a destination that I'll get to one day and say "oh, I finally did it. I'm the perfect mom." It's a journey. I'm striving to be more like Christ in all areas of my life.
The Hearts at Home Conference is a place where you can be real and yet a place where you can walk away with tools to help make you a better mom and wife. Check out the Hearts at Home website for resources or to attend the next conference near you.
The question of the day: Where have you or do you struggle in this area? What can you share that may help a mom out there who's struggling?
This scripture deeply touches my heart:
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21 NIV
My treasure on earth is my family and there is where my heart is! No matter where they are or where I am, my heart is with them.
This is a subject so close to my heart right now. It is an area that I continually feel that the evil one holds over me and when I am weak the guilt sets in. I am working full time at a job that I believe in my heart, God called me to do. I was at home for a long time and then worked part time also, and then just for the last year have been full time. Other then having a dirtier house, and sometimes feeling like I dont know which way is up, I love balancing work and family (family is actually first on the list). I feel that God made me to be a person who needs to have a full plate that has variety in it. I am at my happiest when I have a fulfilling day at work and then leave it at the office to go home to spend time with the family. I feel that it makes me look at my time with the family differently and that I am more attentive to them because my number of hours is less with them.
ReplyDeleteAmye Decker
I think that balance is a thing that most moms struggle with, whether they are working inside the home or out. (Guilt is probably #2!) I like what Amye said about knowing what God has called her to do. I work from home and often feel pulled this-way-and-that; my peace, too, comes from knowing God's will for my life. (I need His *daily* counsel in this area!)
ReplyDeleteI agree with both of you! Balance is the key. And when God calls you to do something, it all works out. HE is the key!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments!
I feel that I am doing what God has called me to do being at home full time with my children. I love being a mom and I know that I can help shape my children's future in a way that no one else could. I admire moms who work outside the home as I too did that as a single mom for years. I have struggled lately with with outsiders who have ridiculed me for staying home and have told me I should be out working and making money "like everyone else." Thankfully my husband believes I am right where I should be and supports me in the decision to stay home. He tells me I have the toughest job and those people that say those things have no idea how hard my job really is. I have to remind myself every day lately that it isn't what the world thinks that matters; that I am blessed to be able to stay home with my kids and I am doing something wonderful for my children.