Welcome to our journey. The purpose of my blog is not only to journal our life experience, but also to share what God is doing in our lives. I do not claim to be an expert in parenting, marriage, or even the Bible. But I do have a heart to share my experiences and the true love that God has for each and every one of us. You can read our testimony by clicking on the top of the page. And if you'd like to know about the Homeless Ministry my husband started, you can click on the Homeless tab. I hope you will comment freely on my posts and in my community.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Got Dreams?

Do you ever wake up from a dream and wish you could go back to sleep to finish your dream? I know I have. What about in real life? Do you have unfulfilled dreams? Or worse yet, have you stopped dreaming?

If you've read my testimony you may remember me telling about how I didn't want to go to our women's retreat that was on "Igniting Your Unfulfilled Dreams". I didn't want to go because I thought that I didn't have any dreams. I was so wrong. I did have dreams, I just had forgotten them. And of course, the biggest dream I ever had was to help the homeless. I stopped dreaming because I started feeling like I would never be able to do it. Why? Because of money. In my mind, I had decided that in order to help the homeless, I was going to have to be rich. What I didn't realize was that I really didn't need any money at all. What keeps you from living your dreams?

I was at a conference this past week. One of the sessions was called "Dreaming with God". I loved it. I am going to share about some of the things I took away from this session. First of all, we can dream big. We have a big God. He has already given us each special gifts and a purpose. We need to tap into that. We need to be still and seek God. Some of you may be thinking that you don't have anything special or that you are not needed or not good enough. You are so wrong my friend! You are infinitally valuable. You need to realize your identity. You are a son/daughter of the King. You were fearfully and wonderfully made in God's image.

Do you remember Susan Boyle? Watch this video.

This video brings me to tears every time I watch it! When Susan was asked why her dream hasn't worked out she said she hadn't been given the chance. Well, if you saw the way people were laughing at her and smirking at the things she said, it's no surprise that she was never given the chance. How sad.

Discouragement, disappointments and even distractions can get in the way of our dreams. Are any of these things getting in your way? Do you let other dictate what you should or shouldn't do? Maybe people even try to tell you that dreams are foolish. I'm here to tell you they're not.

Joseph was a dreamer. In Genesis 37 it tells about how he had dreams. But before those dreams could become real, he had to go to the pit. Sometimes we need to go through something to step into our destiny. Maybe you're in the midst of going through your own trial right now. You may not even be able to see past your circumstance right now. But have hope. For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11 

Hope deferred makes the heart sick but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.  Proverbs 13:12

Is fear keeping you from living your dream? Because perfect love casts out all fear. God's love is perfect. The love in you is greater than any fear. The light in you is brighter than any darkness around you. The world is waiting for you to live your dream. There is a destiny over you. Seek Him and He will show you.

Distractions can keep you from living your dream. Not protecting your boundaries can lead to illness. It can keep you from hearing God's voice because there are so many other voices. It can take away your passion and keep you from dreaming. This is where I was at years ago, at the time that I didn't want to go to the women's retreat. I was too busy with all kinds of other stuff. I wasn't hearing God. And it was during a silent retreat that I finally heard him. Now, for those of you who know me, you'll know how much I do NOT like silent retreats. When someone tells me I have to be quiet...I just can't stand it. :) But it was during this time, that I was finally able to hear God about my dreams and then begin to start dreaming again.

I'm here to tell you that dreams can come true, they can become reality, no matter what your circumstance. If you read my testimony, you'll see what I'm talking about. I pray that you will be encouraged and that you will allow yourselves to dream. I would love to hear what your dreams are. Maybe you're living your dream. If you would like to share it, you will be an encouragement to others. If you would like to ask for prayer, you can do that too. I can't wait to see what you all have to say.

Sweet dreams!

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