Welcome to our journey. The purpose of my blog is not only to journal our life experience, but also to share what God is doing in our lives. I do not claim to be an expert in parenting, marriage, or even the Bible. But I do have a heart to share my experiences and the true love that God has for each and every one of us. You can read our testimony by clicking on the top of the page. And if you'd like to know about the Homeless Ministry my husband started, you can click on the Homeless tab. I hope you will comment freely on my posts and in my community.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Mama Bear

There are not many things that make me angrier than a child being bullied. I just wrote a post about adults bullying each other and now I'm going to write about kids being bullies. I ask my kids from time-to-time if anyone is ever mean to them. They rarely share on this subject. In the past I've had to be told that by their teacher. I struggle with that. I want them to feel safe telling us this. But today my teenager said that they don't tell because they will be bullied even more. That is obviously not ok. 

Today, Dave decided to stop by and pick our two youngest up from their schools. He missed our youngest and so he decided to wait and surprise our son. He knows where he parks his bike so he went over there and waited. While he was waiting he saw a boy walk over to our son's bike. The kid shook the lock a bit and when it wouldn't open he walked to the back of my son's bike and twisted his seat around. He did all of this right in front of Dave! Of course, Dave didn't just stand there. 

Dave: "Is that your bike?"
Kid: "No"
Dave: "Do you know who's bike that is?"
Kid: "No"
Dave: "Well, I do. That's my sons bike. What grade are you in?"
Kid: "8th"
Dave: "Are you a bully?"
Kid: "No"
Dave: "Well this is what bullies do. Let's go into the office."

*Dave quick snapped a picture of the kid just in case he decided to run. The funny thing about the picture is that you can see our son's bike and the twisted seat right behind him. 

Anyways, Dave took the kid into the office. One of the administrators came out and Dave told her what he saw. She thanked him for bringing him in to the office. She said this is what they need to catch this kids and correct the behavior. I don't know what they will do but I hope he learns a lesson and stops. 

After talking to our son, he finally tells me that this kid is mean to everyone. Apparently, he has called my son and others "losers". That took me 10 minutes to get my son to tell me that so I am not sure what else this kid has said or done but you can be assured of one thing...I will do my part to make sure that my son doesn't have to fear going to school because of some bully. I will be going to the school (and watching from afar) at the end of the day to make sure that my son and his bike are not touched!

I was joking (kind of) and told my son that Mama Bear's claws were coming out and that I would do whatever I needed to do to protect my son. To which my son said, "well, this cub will go back into hibernation!" We all had a laugh. But in all seriousness we did have a talk about how if you let someone bully you, they will continue on and bully other kids too.

I thank God for prompting Dave to go to the school and wait out for our son. I'm so glad that he caught that kid and that our son didn't come out to find his bike had been messed with. Or worse yet, the kid would harass him further. I pray for protection over our son and all other kids who are being bullied. I pray for the kids that are doing the bullying. I pray that the Lord would send someone to catch them in the act and that they would realize what they're doing is wrong and stop it! I pray the Lord would help their parents to not defend their child but to teach them that there are consequences for our actions. I pray that they would be convicted in their heart and that their hearts would soften. I pray for forgiveness between all parties. Lord, help me to forgive this boy and that I would not have a heart filled with anger but one with love. Whatever reason he is bullying other kids, I pray that You would heal him. If he is being bullied, I pray it would stop. LORD, this nation needs You more than ever! We are a broken nation. I ask that You come into the hearts of kids and adults alike that bully others. Lord, protect those that are bullied. Protect their hearts and minds. May they seek after You and know how valuable they are. May they turn to You when they feel weak. May You strengthen them. Thank You Lord for sending your Son to die for them and may they receive that gift You freely give. I pray for hearts to be supernaturally healed in the Might Name of Jesus! Amen!

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