Dave just posted the song "Free To Be Me" by Francesca Battistelli on Facebook today for our daughter Mackenzie. He's so good at finding the perfect song. How perfect this song is right now! And I agree with dad that you kind of look like her too.

Yes! At 20 years of age you're still looking for a dream. A war has already been waged for your destiny. I heard the Lord tell me years ago (when you were recovering from mono and going through all the cancer tests - praise the Lord you did not have cancer) that we were in a battle for your life (for your destiny) with satan. *I'm typing this through my tears as I never imagined the battle that would ensue. Since that very moment, we have been fighting on your behalf. But even before that and all along - a battle was being fought ON YOUR BEHALF BY YOUR WARRIOR, The LORD HIMSELF - (Just like Heather Cook was telling you in the video she made for you the other day).
A side note: The day your dad was ordained as a pastor in California, when you were in Florida with your cheer team, I was standing by myself in the atrium of a church waiting for dad when a young man looked at me from across the room (where there were probably 200 people standing) and walked right up to me and started to tell me what the Lord had spoken to him about you. This was someone who didn't know us. We didn't know anyone out there. He asked if I had a 15 yr old daughter and began sharing that you were going to go through some extremely difficult things (like walking through fire) and that during those times you would have favor and doors were going to be opened that would seem impossible. But in the end, the fire in your heart, the passion you had for God would be reignited, and God would have glory for all that you went through. This is the word that I truly believe came from the Lord and is the very thing that continues to give me peace through all the horrific things you've gone through in your short life.
Mackenzie, here's the thing. The battle has already been won. And YES, GOD has GREAT plans for you. His plan for you is that you would share your trials, your victories, your testimony, His hope and love. It's the ministry you're dreaming about at 20 years of age! Wow! And as Francesca says in this song, sometimes things don't come easy and you may doubt your destiny (today, tomorrow, or in the future). You may not be able to see at times, and you may want to think about the dents in your fenders (your past mistakes), and you may at times feel like you're not worthy or good enough BUT the Lord looks at your heart and He is saying that YOU HAVE ALL HE SEEKS. Just as you are! It's times like those that you dig deep and pull out the TRUTH that you know in your heart from God's Word.
The TRUTH is HE is FOR you! HE LOVES YOU! In moments of doubt turn to His Word and to the friends, family, and hundreds of people who are telling you "truths". You are a WARRIOR, a PRECIOUS daughter of the KING, you are a FAITH-filled woman OF GOD, you are COURAGEOUS, you are BRAVE, you are STRONG, you are AMAZING, you are LOVED BEYOND WORDS, you are BEAUTIFUL, and you have an AMAZING HEART! You will not only get through this but you will SOAR like an eagle. You ARE changing lives! You ARE bringing HOPE to others! The Lord already IS already using this for His good. You already have started THE ministry. You, our sweet daughter, just need to STEP INTO THAT DESTINY! Walk in it. Walk in HIS ways. You are free to be you! And we love you more than you'll ever know!
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