Welcome to our journey. The purpose of my blog is not only to journal our life experience, but also to share what God is doing in our lives. I do not claim to be an expert in parenting, marriage, or even the Bible. But I do have a heart to share my experiences and the true love that God has for each and every one of us. You can read our testimony by clicking on the top of the page. And if you'd like to know about the Homeless Ministry my husband started, you can click on the Homeless tab. I hope you will comment freely on my posts and in my community.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Do we or don't we...we did.

After much prayer, contemplation, discussion, and ultimately because Dave's parents wouldn't take no for an anwer...we decided to go out to California after all. With so much uncertainty, it was a tough decision for us. Not only would we be leaving during a difficult time but they would still be watching our children. We had back up plan after back up plan. It was slightly stressful. One thing we knew was that God wanted us to go on this trip. I mean after all...it was through prayer and faith that we planned it and that God provided.

Once we made the decision there was complete peace. We knew that this was God's will and once again, everything fell into place. We had cheer moms helping with Mackenzie and my sister helped one day and a friend of mine came over and helped me to get the house ready for Frank & Mary. It was just amazing. We were definitely blessed. 

Now for the flight there. Many of you know how much I hate flying and how afraid I am WAS! Not this time! Yahoo! No more fear! FINALLY! There were a couple of times where we had some turbulance and I cringed a bit...but just for a few seconds and then I would be fine. 

In fact, I was actually able to enjoy the beauty..especially of the mountains!

And I him next to me. ;)

Our decent into Oakland

I've been prayed over and prayed myself for the Lord to release me from the fear of flying. The first time was during my first Alpha Retreat. I think this was about 9 years ago. I asked for prayer for a fear of flying and a fear of going over bridges. Sometimes some prayers take a while to be answered. :)

I'll tell you about my fear of bridges in my next post. 

Thanks for all the prayers! 

Thanks to everyone who helped to make it possible for us to go. I can't start naming people because I would surely forget to mention someone. I'm not just talking about those who helped us but also those who stepped up to help Frank & Mary with shoveling, garbages, meals, and just coming to hang out with them. It gave us great peace. Thank you again!

More to come...

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